System of setting up an appointment at the University of Granada

Use of the (CIGES) system to make an appointment at the University of Granada

1. You can set up an appointment two ways:

a) In person using the ticket dispenser found at the entrance to the Secretary´s office.

b) On line through the web or with the mobile application.

2. Validate the appointment: It is necessary to validate the appointment set up (whether in person or on line), clicking on “VALIDATE CODE/VALIDAD CÓDIGO” and scanning the QR code over the machine reader. On the big screen the appointment will appear as “WAITING/EN ESPERA”.

  • Note: Always validate it before the time of the appointment so that the system can call you. If not, YOU WILL NOT BE RECEIVED ON THAT DAY, unless a time slot is left open and you are able to set up a new appointment.

What happens then?

  • If your appointment is set for APPROXIMATELY 12:00 noon and you validate it at 11:00, it may be that the appointments before yours are not validated. In that case, the system will not make you wait until your estimated time slot, and you will be received earlier than 12:00.
  • If you have validated the appointment and the system calls you, but you have not scanned your code, it will appear again as PENDING VALIDATION/PENDIENTE DE VALIDAR, so you need to re-validate it to be received. That is, you may validate it more than once, but always before the time of the appointment.

3. Wait to be called. On the upper part of the screen your number will appear with the number of the desk where you will be attended to.