This is the official web page of the School of Communication and Documentation of the University of Granada and meant to be an instrument at the service of the study body, offering updated information about academic and organizational aspects of the FCD, favouring active participation in the life of the School.
An organization is, to a great extent, the sum of what its integral members aspire to. The FCD has a fully capacitated administrative staff who, together with the teaching staff, make up a professional team at the service of the students, able to generate motivation and knowledge.
Today´s School of Communication and Documentation originated as the Escuela Universitaria de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, which was the first of its kind in Spain´s University realm. It began offering the three-year degree of in Library Sciences and Documentation in the 1980´s, then became a University School with the 1994 implantation of the five-year degree of Licenciatura in Information Science. In the academic year 2006/07 it began to offer second-cycle education for the three-year degree in Audiovisual Communication, which led to its change in denomination, now the School of Communication and Documentation (BOJA number 143, July 18, 2008). All along, a prevailing characteristic has been the strong technological profile of the studies imparted, for which reason the School features a solid technological and audiovisual infrastructure.
Access and Pre-registration
Degrees Adapted to the EEES
The School of Communication and Documentation offers the following degrees:
Postgraduate Studies
The Postgraduate study programme is managed by the Escuela de Posgrado de la University of Granada. At present there are two Master´s programmes related with the degrees offered by the School of Communication and Documentation:
- Master´s degree in New Interactive Media and Multimedia Journalism
- Master´s degree in Scientific Information and Communication
To enhance the mobility of teachers and students, there are exchange agreements with over fifteen European universities in the framework of the Erasmus programme. We are also fully integrated in the UGR plan for Exchange and collaboration with universities in North America and elsewhere in the world. This is understood as a priority for expanding the learning spirit into the University of the 21st Century, allowing for the application of knowledge and the discovery of new spaces and workplaces that welcome our students or alumni.
In the Research arena, the School of Communication and Documentation of Granada is a centre of international reference, quality and prestige. Six of our research groups generate national or international projects of technological content focused on scientific evaluation, information visualization, and information recovery, among other areas. The quality of these groups has led them to become part of international networks such as the Iberoamerican Network of Scientific Knowledge.
The transfer of knowledge from our School is fomented in an aim to further develop and update independent businesses where our students may become essential contributors given their solid background and versatility.
The School encourages its actual and potential members to explore the information provided in greater detail in this web page, inviting browsers to collaborate on improving or updating it, to make it as useful as possible for the community.
Our warmest welcome to those students who are joining our School for the first time, and our best wishes for the efforts and success of those who are already part of this particular University centre.
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